Contributor guidelines

RoboticsBiz is a tech portal that brings together experts in robotics research, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies. We encourage entrepreneurs, thought leaders, thinkers, and companies to tell their stories and help others find answers to today’s most challenging problems in technology, enabling the ecosystem to come together and grow. We selectively accept articles from industry professionals that meet our editorial guidelines.

If you are here looking for advertising opportunity, you can read our guidelines and then contact us here.

What we cover

RoboticsBiz covers a wide range of topics. They are:

Technology Markets
Artificial Intelligence Agriculture
Automation Defense & Security
Autonomous Education
Bots & Drones Healthcare & Sports
Cloud Hospitality & Retail
Machine Learning Household
Robots Logistics & Industrial
Sensors & Simulation Office & Household

How to write

While evaluating what to publish, we look at the expertise of the contributor on the topic. You must know a lot about the topic you write about. You must also be able to prove it to the reader.

1. Decide what you want to write and put the title and points you want to discuss. Share this outline with the editorial team before writing.

2. Once you get editorial approval, you can build on those points with your views, examples, case studies, numbers, or statistics. If the editorial team suggests the topic, request a brief with useful links.

3. Your articles must be engaging and insightful. Generic and poorly written posts will be rejected. Avoid plagiarism. Your posts must be original and unique and not published anywhere else on the web.

4. We like posts ranging from 1,300 to 2,000 words because longer posts provide more relevant information readers can use and encourage them to come back to our site to read more.

5. Make sure the content has semantically related keywords. Write exciting and clear headlines and use unique and keyword specific phrases in your H1 and H2 tags.

6. Don’t endorse your business, product, or services. We’ll remove anything we deem too promotional. If you are here looking slots for sponsored guest posts (advertorials), you can read the guidelines here. To publish ads or sponsored posts on our website, please contact us for more information.

7. We do not accept guest posts from content marketing firms with an express intention to insert backlinks for specific websites as part of link building service. Buying, selling, or trading links in posts is strictly prohibited.

8. As a guest post author, you may include relevant links to support your post. You are encouraged to insert links to valuable information, studies, statistics, or tips. No promotional links are permitted. DO NOT include affiliate links, shopping pages, or links to low-authority sites. Do not link to any questionable sources or industries like pharmaceuticals, casinos, payday loans, pornography, etc. Our editorial staff reserves the right to add “rel=nofollow” tags to any link or remove a link before or after publication.

9. Company/product names can be mentioned only if contextual. They can not, however, be linked directly to their web site’s homepage or product pages. Instead, they should be linked to relevant blog posts in their domains.

10. A contributor should share an author profile with us. It should have a short bio (in less than 200 characters), a 200 x 200 profile picture, and links to your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. We will use rel=”nofollow” tags for all links in the author bio.

Our content team will review your post and determine where our standards and editorial calendar fit. We may ask you to edit if necessary. When the article is published, we will send the link to the published article to you.

Keep in mind that we receive many more submissions than we can publish, and we often have to say no to some of them because of time constraints or because they’re not distinguished enough from other pieces we’ve published. If we’ve passed on something you’ve submitted, please try another idea again. We may not be able to answer an inquiry immediately due to the large number of article pitches we receive.

You can submit the request to become a contributor here.