The recent history of robotics is full of fascinating moments that accelerated the rapid technological advances in artificial intelligence, automation, engineering, energy storage, and machine learning. The result transformed the capabilities of robots and their ability to take over tasks once carried out by humans at factories, hospitals, farms, etc.
These technological advances don’t occur overnight; they require several years of research and development in solving some of the biggest engineering challenges in navigation, autonomy, AI and machine learning to build robots that are much safer and efficient in a real-world situation. A lot of universities, institutes, and companies across the world are working tirelessly in various research areas to make this reality.
In this post, we have listed 500+ recent research papers and projects for those who are interested in robotics. These free, downloadable research papers can shed lights into the some of the complex areas in robotics such as navigation, motion planning, robotic interactions, obstacle avoidance, actuators, machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence, collaborative robotics, nano robotics, social robotics, cloud, swan robotics, sensors, mobile robotics, humanoid, service robots, automation, autonomous, etc. Feel free to download. Share your own research papers with us to be added into this list. Also, you can ask a professional academic writer from CustomWritings – research paper writing service to assist you online on any related topic.
Navigation and Motion Planning
- Robotics Navigation Using MPEG CDVS
- Design, Manufacturing and Test of a High-Precision MEMS Inclination Sensor for Navigation Systems in Robot-assisted Surgery
- Motion Control of a Three Active Wheeled Mobile Robot and Collision-Free Human Following Navigation in Outdoor Environment
- One Point Perspective Vanishing Point Estimation for Mobile Robot Vision Based Navigation System
- Application of Ant Colony Optimization for finding the Navigational path of Mobile Robot-A Review
- Robot Navigation Using a Brain-Computer Interface
- Path Generation for Robot Navigation using a Single Ceiling Mounted Camera
- Exact Robot Navigation Using Power Diagrams
- Learning Socially Normative Robot Navigation Behaviors with Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- Pipelined, High Speed, Low Power Neural Network Controller for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation Using FPGA
- Proxemics models for human-aware navigation in robotics: Grounding interaction and personal space models in experimental data from psychology
- Optimality and limit behavior of the ML estimator for Multi-Robot Localization via GPS and Relative Measurements
- Aerial Robotics: Compact groups of cooperating micro aerial vehicles in clustered GPS denied environment
- Disordered and Multiple Destinations Path Planning Methods for Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environment
- Integrating Modeling and Knowledge Representation for Combined Task, Resource and Path Planning in Robotics
- Path Planning With Kinematic Constraints For Robot Groups
- Robot motion planning for pouring liquids
- Implan: Scalable Incremental Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Systems
- Equilibrium Motion Planning of Humanoid Climbing Robot under Constraints
- POMDP-lite for Robust Robot Planning under Uncertainty
- The RoboCup Logistics League as a Benchmark for Planning in Robotics
- Planning-aware communication for decentralised multi- robot coordination
- Combined Force and Position Controller Based on Inverse Dynamics: Application to Cooperative Robotics
- A Four Degree of Freedom Robot for Positioning Ultrasound Imaging Catheters
- The Role of Robotics in Ovarian Transposition
- An Implementation on 3D Positioning Aquatic Robot
Robotic Interactions
- On Indexicality, Direction of Arrival of Sound Sources and Human-Robot Interaction
- OpenWoZ: A Runtime-Configurable Wizard-of-Oz Framework for Human-Robot Interaction
- Privacy in Human-Robot Interaction: Survey and Future Work
- An Analysis Of Teacher-Student Interaction Patterns In A Robotics Course For Kindergarten Children: A Pilot Study
- Human Robotics Interaction (HRI) based Analysis–using DMT
- A Cautionary Note on Personality (Extroversion) Assessments in Child-Robot Interaction Studies
- Interaction as a bridge between cognition and robotics
- State Representation Learning in Robotics: Using Prior Knowledge about Physical Interaction
- Eliciting Conversation in Robot Vehicle Interactions
- A Comparison of Avatar, Video, and Robot-Mediated Interaction on Users’ Trust in Expertise
- Exercising with Baxter: Design and Evaluation of Assistive Social-Physical Human- Robot Interaction
- Using Narrative to Enable Longitudinal Human- Robot Interactions
- Computational Analysis of Affect, Personality, and Engagement in HumanRobot Interactions
- Human-robot interactions: A psychological perspective
- Gait of Quadruped Robot and Interaction Based on Gesture Recognition
- Graphically representing child- robot interaction proxemics
- Interactive Demo of the SOPHIA Project: Combining Soft Robotics and Brain-Machine Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation
- Interactive Robotics Workshop
- Activating Robotics Manipulator using Eye Movements
- Wireless Controlled Robot Movement System Desgined using Microcontroller
- Gesture Controlled Robot using LabVIEW
- RoGuE: Robot Gesture Engine
Obstacle Avoidance
- Low Cost Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Logic Gates and Gate Delay Calculations
- Advanced Fuzzy Potential Field Method for Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance
- Controlling Obstacle Avoiding And Live Streaming Robot Using Chronos Watch
- Movement Of The Space Robot Manipulator In Environment With Obstacles
- Assis-Cicerone Robot With Visual Obstacle Avoidance Using a Stack of Odometric Data.
- Obstacle detection and avoidance methods for autonomous mobile robot
- Moving Domestic Robotics Control Method Based on Creating and Sharing Maps with Shortest Path Findings and Obstacle Avoidance
- Control of the Differentially-driven Mobile Robot in the Environment with a Non-Convex Star-Shape Obstacle: Simulation and Experiments
Machine Learning
- A survey of typical machine learning based motion planning algorithms for robotics
- Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics , and Machine Learning
- Applying Radical Constructivism to Machine Learning: A Pilot Study in Assistive Robotics
- Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision: Sampling methods and Variational Inference
- Rule-Based Supervisor and Checker of Deep Learning Perception Modules in Cognitive Robotics
- The Limits and Potentials of Deep Learning for Robotics
- Autonomous Robotics and Deep Learning
- A Unified Knowledge Representation System for Robot Learning and Dialogue
Computer Vision
- Computer Vision Based Chess Playing Capabilities for the Baxter Humanoid Robot
- Non-Euclidean manifolds in robotics and computer vision: why should we care?
- Topology of singular surfaces, applications to visualization and robotics
- On the Impact of Learning Hierarchical Representations for Visual Recognition in Robotics
- Focused Online Visual-Motor Coordination for a Dual-Arm Robot Manipulator
- Towards Practical Visual Servoing in Robotics
- Visual Pattern Recognition In Robotics
- Automated Visual Inspection: Position Identification of Object for Industrial Robot Application based on Color and Shape
- Automated Creation of Augmented Reality Visualizations for Autonomous Robot Systems
- Implementation of Efficient Night Vision Robot on Arduino and FPGA Board
Artificial Intelligence
- On the Relationship between Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Spatial Cognition for Robotics and Mobile Systems: Brief Survey and Current Open Challenges
- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Its Impact on Society
- The Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on Business and Employment: Evidence from a survey on Japanese firms
- Artificially Intelligent Maze Solver Robot
- Artificial intelligence, Cognitive Robotics and Human Psychology
- Minecraft as an Experimental World for AI in Robotics
- Impact of Robotics, RPA and AI on the insurance industry: challenges and opportunities
Probabilistic Programming
- On the use of probabilistic relational affordance models for sequential manipulation tasks inrobotics
- Exploration strategies in developmental robotics: a unified probabilistic framework
- Probabilistic Programming for Robotics
- New design of a soft-robotics wearable elbow exoskeleton based on Shape Memory Alloy wires actuators
- Design of a Modular Series Elastic Upgrade to a Robotics Actuator
- Applications of Compliant Actuators to Wearing Robotics for Lower Extremity
- Review of Development Stages in the Conceptual Design of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator for Robotics
- Fluid electrodes for submersible robotics based on dielectric elastomer actuators
- Cascaded Control Of Compliant Actuators In Friendly Robotics
Collaborative Robotics
- Interpretable Models for Fast Activity Recognition and Anomaly Explanation During Collaborative Robotics Tasks
- Collaborative Work Management Using SWARM Robotics
- Collaborative Robotics : Assessment of Safety Functions and Feedback from Workers, Users and Integrators in Quebec
- Accessibility, Making and Tactile Robotics : Facilitating Collaborative Learning and Computational Thinking for Learners with Visual Impairments
- Trajectory Adaptation of Robot Arms for Head-pose Dependent Assistive Tasks
Mobile Robotics
- Experimental research of proximity sensors for application in mobile robotics in greenhouse environment.
- Multispectral Texture Mapping for Telepresence and Autonomous Mobile Robotics
- A Smart Mobile Robot to Detect Abnormalities in Hazardous Zones
- Simulation of nonlinear filter based localization for indoor mobile robot
- Integrating control science in a practical mobile robotics course
- Experimental Study of the Performance of the Kinect Range Camera for Mobile Robotics
- Planification of an Optimal Path for a Mobile Robot Using Neural Networks
- Security of Networking Control System in Mobile Robotics (NCSMR)
- Vector Maps in Mobile Robotics
- An Embedded System for a Bluetooth Controlled Mobile Robot Based on the ATmega8535 Microcontroller
- Experiments of NDT-Based Localization for a Mobile Robot Moving Near Buildings
- Hardware and Software Co-design for the EKF Applied to the Mobile Robotics Localization Problem
- Design of a SESLogo Program for Mobile Robot Control
- An Improved Ekf-Slam Algorithm For Mobile Robot
- Intelligent Vehicles at the Mobile Robotics Laboratory, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil [ITS Research Lab]
- Introduction to Mobile Robotics
- Miniature Piezoelectric Mobile Robot driven by Standing Wave
- Mobile Robot Floor Classification using Motor Current and Accelerometer Measurements
- Sensors for Robotics 2015
- An Automated Sensing System for Steel Bridge Inspection Using GMR Sensor Array and Magnetic Wheels of Climbing Robot
- Sensors for Next-Generation Robotics
- Multi-Robot Sensor Relocation To Enhance Connectivity In A WSN
- Automated Irrigation System Using Robotics and Sensors
- Design Of Control System For Articulated Robot Using Leap Motion Sensor
- Automated configuration of vision sensor systems for industrial robotics
Nano robotics
- Light Robotics: an all-optical nano-and micro-toolbox
- Light-driven Nano- robotics
- Light-driven Nano-robotics
- Light Robotics: a new tech–nology and its applications
- Light Robotics: Aiming towards all-optical nano-robotics
- NanoBiophotonics Appli–cations of Light Robotics
- System Level Analysis for a Locomotive Inspection Robot with Integrated Microsystems
- High-Dimensional Robotics at the Nanoscale Kino-Geometric Modeling of Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms
- A Study Of Insect Brain Using Robotics And Neural Networks
Social Robotics
- Integrative Social Robotics Hands-On
- ProCRob Architecture for Personalized Social Robotics
- Definitions and Metrics for Social Robotics, along with some Experience Gained in this Domain
- Transmedia Choreography: Integrating Multimodal Video Annotation in the Creative Process of a Social Robotics Performance Piece
- Co-designing with children: An approach to social robot design
- Toward Social Cognition in Robotics: Extracting and Internalizing Meaning from Perception
- Human Centered Robotics : Designing Valuable Experiences for Social Robots
- Preliminary system and hardware design for Quori, a low-cost, modular, socially interactive robot
- Socially assistive robotics: Human augmentation versus automation
- Tega: A Social Robot
Humanoid robot
- Compliance Control and Human-Robot Interaction – International Journal of Humanoid Robotics
- The Design of Humanoid Robot Using C# Interface on Bluetooth Communication
- An Integrated System to approach the Programming of Humanoid Robotics
- Humanoid Robot Slope Gait Planning Based on Zero Moment Point Principle
- Literature Review Real-Time Vision-Based Learning for Human-Robot Interaction in Social Humanoid Robotics
- The Roasted Tomato Challenge for a Humanoid Robot
- Remotely teleoperating a humanoid robot to perform fine motor tasks with virtual reality
Cloud Robotics
- CR3A: Cloud Robotics Algorithms Allocation Analysis
- Cloud Computing and Robotics for Disaster Management
- ABHIKAHA: Aerial Collision Avoidance in Quadcopter using Cloud Robotics
- The Evolution Of Cloud Robotics: A Survey
- Sliding Autonomy in Cloud Robotics Services for Smart City Applications
- CORE: A Cloud-based Object Recognition Engine for Robotics
- A Software Product Line Approach for Configuring Cloud Robotics Applications
- Cloud robotics and automation: A survey of related work
- ROCHAS: Robotics and Cloud-assisted Healthcare System for Empty Nester
Swarm Robotics
- Evolution of Task Partitioning in Swarm Robotics
- GESwarm: Grammatical Evolution for the Automatic Synthesis of Collective Behaviors in Swarm Robotics
- A Concise Chronological Reassess Of Different Swarm Intelligence Methods With Multi Robotics Approach
- The Swarm/Potential Model: Modeling Robotics Swarms with Measure-valued Recursions Associated to Random Finite Sets
- The TAM: ABSTRACTing complex tasks in swarm robotics research
- Task Allocation in Foraging Robot Swarms: The Role of Information Sharing
- Robotics on the Battlefield Part II
- Implementation Of Load Sharing Using Swarm Robotics
- An Investigation of Environmental Influence on the Benefits of Adaptation Mechanisms in Evolutionary Swarm Robotics
Soft Robotics
- Soft Robotics: The Next Generation of Intelligent Machines
- Soft Robotics: Transferring Theory to Application,” Soft Components for Soft Robots”
- Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Control
- The BRICS Component Model: A Model-Based Development Paradigm For ComplexRobotics Software Systems
- Soft Mechatronics for Human-Friendly Robotics
- Seminar Soft-Robotics
- Special Issue on Open Source Software-Supported Robotics Research.
- Soft Brain-Machine Interfaces for Assistive Robotics: A Novel Control Approach
- Towards A Robot Hardware ABSTRACT ion Layer (R-HAL) Leveraging the XBot Software Framework
Service Robotics
- Fundamental Theories and Practice in Service Robotics
- Natural Language Processing in Domestic Service Robotics
- Localization and Mapping for Service Robotics Applications
- Designing of Service Robot for Home Automation-Implementation
- Benchmarking Speech Understanding in Service Robotics
- The Cognitive Service Robotics Apartment
- Planning with Task-oriented Knowledge Acquisition for A Service Robot
Cognitive Robotics
- Cognitive Robotics
- Meta-Morphogenesis theory as background to Cognitive Robotics and Developmental Cognitive Science
- Experience-based Learning for Bayesian Cognitive Robotics
- Weakly supervised strategies for natural object recognition in robotics
- Robotics-Derived Requirements for the Internet of Things in the 5G Context
- A Comparison of Modern Synthetic Character Design and Cognitive Robotics Architecture with the Human Nervous System
- PREGO: An Action Language for Belief-Based Cognitive Robotics in Continuous Domains
- Cognitive Robotics
- The Role of Intention in Cognitive Robotics
- On Cognitive Learning Methodologies for Cognitive Robotics
- Relational Enhancement: A Framework for Evaluating and Designing Human-RobotRelationships
- A Fog Robotics Approach to Deep Robot Learning: Application to Object Recognition and Grasp Planning in Surface Decluttering
- Spatial Cognition in Robotics
- IOT Based Gesture Movement Recognize Robot
- Deliberative Systems for Autonomous Robotics: A Brief Comparison Between Action-oriented and Timelines-based Approaches
- Formal Modeling and Verification of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Autonomous RoboticsSystems
- Robotics on its feet: Autonomous Climbing Robots
- Implementation of Autonomous Metal Detection Robot with Image and Message Transmission using Cell Phone
- Toward autonomous architecture: The convergence of digital design, robotics, and the built environment
- Advances in Robotics Automation
- Advances in Robotics Automation
- Data-centered Dependencies and Opportunities for Robotics Process Automation in Banking
- On the Combination of Gamification and Crowd Computation in Industrial Automation and Robotics Applications
- Advances in RoboticsAutomation
- Meshworm With Segment-Bending Anchoring for Colonoscopy. IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. 2 (3) pp: 1718-1724.
- Recent Advances in Robotics and Automation
- Key Elements Towards Automation and Robotics in Industrialised Building System (IBS)
- Knowledge Building, Innovation Networks, and Robotics in Math Education
- The potential of a robotics summer course On Engineering Education
- Robotics as an Educational Tool: Impact of Lego Mindstorms
- Effective Planning Strategy in Robotics Education: An Embodied Approach
- An innovative approach to School-Work turnover programme with Educational Robotics
- The importance of educational robotics as a precursor of Computational Thinking in early childhood education
- Pedagogical Robotics A way to Experiment and Innovate in Educational Teaching in Morocco
- Learning by Making and Early School Leaving: an Experience with Educational Robotics
- Robotics and Coding: Fostering Student Engagement
- Computational Thinking with Educational Robotics
- New Trends In Education Of Robotics
- Educational robotics as an instrument of formation: a public elementary school case study
- Developmental Situation and Strategy for Engineering Robot Education in China University
- Towards the Humanoid Robot Butler
- YAGI-An Easy and Light-Weighted Action-Programming Language for Education and Research in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Simultaneous Tracking and Reconstruction (STAR) of Objects and its Application in Educational Robotics Laboratories
- The importance and purpose of simulation in robotics
- An Educational Tool to Support Introductory Robotics Courses
- Lollybot: Where Candy, Gaming, and Educational Robotics Collide
- Assessing the Impact of an Autonomous Robotics Competition for STEM Education
- Educational robotics for promoting 21st century skills
- New Era for Educational Robotics: Replacing Teachers with a Robotic System to Teach Alphabet Writing
- Robotics as a Learning Tool for Educational Transformation
- The Herd of Educational Robotic Devices (HERD): Promoting Cooperation in RoboticsEducation
- Robotics in physics education: fostering graphing abilities in kinematics
- Enabling Rapid Prototyping in K-12 Engineering Education with BotSpeak, a UniversalRobotics Programming Language
- Innovating in robotics education with Gazebo simulator and JdeRobot framework
- How to Support Students’ Computational Thinking Skills in Educational Robotics Activities
- Educational Robotics At Lower Secondary School
- Evaluating the impact of robotics in education on pupils’ skills and attitudes
- Imagining, Playing, and Coding with KIBO: Using Robotics to Foster Computational Thinking in Young Children
- How Does a First LEGO League Robotics Program Provide Opportunities for Teaching Children 21st Century Skills
- A Software-Based Robotic Vision Simulator For Use In Teaching Introductory Robotics Courses
- Robotics Practical
- A project-based strategy for teaching robotics using NI’s embedded-FPGA platform
- Teaching a Core CS Concept through Robotics
- Ms. Robot Will Be Teaching You: Robot Lecturers in Four Modes of Automated Remote Instruction
- Robotic Competitions: Teaching Robotics and Real-Time Programming with LEGO Mindstorms
- Visegrad Robotics Workshop-different ideas to teach and popularize robotics
- LEGO® Mindstorms® EV3 Robotics Instructor Guide
- DRAFT: for Automaatiop iv t22 MOKASIT: Multi Camera System for Robotics Monitoring and Teaching
- MOKASIT: Multi Camera System for Robotics Monitoring and Teaching
- Autonomous Robot Design and Build: Novel Hands-on Experience for Undergraduate Students
- Semi-Autonomous Inspection Robot
- Sumo Robot Competition
- Engagement of students with Robotics-Competitions-like projects in a PBL Bsc Engineering course
- Robo Camp K12 Inclusive Outreach Program: A three-step model of Effective Introducing Middle School Students to Computer Programming and Robotics
- The Effectiveness of Robotics Competitions on Students’ Learning of Computer Science
- Engaging with Mathematics: How mathematical art, robotics and other activities are used to engage students with university mathematics and promote
- Design Elements of a Mobile Robotics Course Based on Student Feedback
- Sixth-Grade Students’ Motivation and Development of Proportional Reasoning Skills While Completing Robotics Challenges
- Student Learning of Computational Thinking in A Robotics Curriculum: Transferrable Skills and Relevant Factors
- A Robotics-Focused Instructional Framework for Design-Based Research in Middle School Classrooms
- Transforming a Middle and High School Robotics Curriculum
- Geometric Algebra for Applications in Cybernetics: Image Processing, Neural Networks, Robotics and Integral Transforms
- Experimenting and validating didactical activities in the third year of primary school enhanced by robotics technology
- Bibliometric analysis on the status quo of robotics in construction
- AtomMap: A Probabilistic Amorphous 3D Map Representation for Robotics and Surface Reconstruction
- Robotic Design and Construction Culture: Ethnography in Osaka University’s Miyazaki Robotics Lab
- Infrastructure Robotics: A Technology Enabler for Lunar In-Situ Resource Utilization, Habitat Construction and Maintenance
- A Planar Robot Design And Construction With Maple
- Robotics and Automations in Construction: Advanced Construction and FutureTechnology
- Why robotics in mining
- Examining Influences on the Evolution of Design Ideas in a First-Year Robotics Project
- Mining Robotics
- TIRAMISU: Technical survey, close-in-detection and disposal mine actions in Humanitarian Demining: challenges for Robotics Systems
- Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture in Aquaponics
- Design and Fabrication of Crop Analysis Agriculture Robot
- Enhance Multi-Disciplinary Experience for Agriculture and Engineering Students with Agriculture Robotics Project
- Work in progress: Robotics mapping of landmine and UXO contaminated areas
- Robot Based Wireless Monitoring and Safety System for Underground Coal Mines using Zigbee Protocol: A Review
- Minesweepers uses robotics’ awesomeness to raise awareness about landminesexplosive remnants of war
- Intelligent Autonomous Farming Robot with Plant Disease Detection using Image Processing
- Auotomatic Pick And Place Robot
- Video Prompting to Teach Robotics and Coding to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Bilateral Anesthesia Mumps After RobotAssisted Hysterectomy Under General Anesthesia: Two Case Reports
- Future Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics Software, A healthcare Perspective
- Designing new mechanism in surgical robotics
- Open-Source Research Platforms and System Integration in Modern Surgical Robotics
- Soft Tissue Robotics–The Next Generation
- CORVUS Full-Body Surgical Robotics Research Platform
- OP: Sense, a rapid prototyping research platform for surgical robotics
- Preoperative Planning Simulator with Haptic Feedback for Raven-II Surgical Robotics Platform
- Origins of Surgical Robotics: From Space to the Operating Room
- Accelerometer Based Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot for Medical Assistance using Arduino Lilypad
- The preliminary results of a force feedback control for Sensorized Medical Robotics
- Medical robotics Regulatory, ethical, and legal considerations for increasing levels of autonomy
- Bilateral Anesthesia Mumps After RobotAssisted Hysterectomy Under General Anesthesia: Two Case Reports
- Robotics in General Surgery
- Evolution Of Minimally Invasive Surgery: Conventional Laparoscopy Torobotics
- Robust trocar detection and localization during robot-assisted endoscopic surgery
- How can we improve the Training of Laparoscopic Surgery thanks to the Knowledge in Robotics
- Discussion on robot-assisted laparoscopic cystectomy and Ileal neobladder surgery preoperative care
- Robotics in Neurosurgery: Evolution, Current Challenges, and Compromises
- Hybrid Rendering Architecture for Realtime and Photorealistic Simulation of Robot-Assisted Surgery
- Robotics, Image Guidance, and Computer-Assisted Surgery in Otology/Neurotology
- Neuro-robotics model of visual delusions
- Neuro-Robotics
- Robotics in the Rehabilitation of Neurological Conditions
- What if a Robot Could Help Me Care for My Parents
- A Robot to Provide Support in Stigmatizing Patient-Caregiver Relationships
- A New Skeleton Model and the Motion Rhythm Analysis for Human Shoulder Complex Oriented to Rehabilitation Robotics
- Towards Rehabilitation Robotics: Off-The-Shelf BCI Control of Anthropomorphic Robotic Arms
- Rehabilitation Robotics 2013
- Combined Estimation of Friction and Patient Activity in Rehabilitation Robotics
- Brain, Mind and Body: Motion Behaviour Planning, Learning and Control in view of Rehabilitation and Robotics
- Reliable Robotics – Diagnostics
- Robotics for Successful Ageing
- Upper Extremity Robotics Exoskeleton: Application, Structure And Actuation
Defence and Military
- Voice Guided Military Robot for Defence Application
- Design and Control of Defense Robot Based On Virtual Reality
- AI, Robotics and Cyber: How Much will They Change Warfare
- Brain Controlled Robot for Indian Armed Force
- Autonomous Military Robotics
- Wireless Restrained Military Discoursed Robot
- Bomb Detection And Defusion In Planes By Application Of Robotics
- Impacts Of The Robotics Age On Naval Force Design, Effectiveness, And Acquisition
Space Robotics
- Lego robotics teacher professional learning
- New Planar Air-bearing Microgravity Simulator for Verification of Space Robotics Numerical Simulations and Control Algorithms
- The Artemis Rover as an Example for Model Based Engineering in Space Robotics
- Rearrangement planning using object-centric and robot-centric action spaces
- Model-based Apprenticeship Learning for Robotics in High-dimensional Spaces
- Emergent Roles, Collaboration and Computational Thinking in the Multi-Dimensional Problem Space of Robotics
- Reaction Null Space of a multibody system with applications in robotics
Other Industries
- Robotics in clothes manufacture
- Recent Trends in Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing: An Overview
- Application Of Robotics In Dairy And Food Industries: A Review
- Architecture for theatre robotics
- Human-multi-robot team collaboration for efficent warehouse operation
- A Robot-based Application for Physical Exercise Training
- Application Of Robotics In Oil And Gas Refineries
- Implementation of Robotics in Transmission Line Monitoring
- Intelligent Wireless Fire Extinguishing Robot
- Monitoring and Controlling of Fire Fighthing Robot using IOT
- Robotics An Emerging Technology in Dairy Industry
- Robotics and Law: A Survey
- Increasing ECE Student Excitement through an International Marine Robotics Competition
- Application of Swarm Robotics Systems to Marine Environmental Monitoring
Future of Robotics / Trends
- The future of Robotics Technology
- RoboticsAutomation Are Killing Jobs A Roadmap for the Future is Needed
- The next big thing (s) in robotics
- Robotics in Indian Industry-Future Trends
- The Future of Robot Rescue Simulation Workshop
- PreprintQuantum Robotics: Primer on Current Science and Future Perspectives
- Emergent Trends in Robotics and Intelligent Systems