An artificial neural network (ANN) typically refers to a computational system inspired by the processing method, structure, and learning ability of a biological brain.
It acts like a real neural network because it simulates how biological neurons act in the human brain. By learning to recognize patterns from data, an artificial neural network can anticipate and solve dynamic and complex human problems in real-time.
An artificial neural network is trained in a supervised or unsupervised manner. In supervised learning, the network is trained by providing input and output data samples to get the ANN to provide a desired output from a given input. Unsupervised learning allows ANN to “understand” the structure of the provided input data “on its own.”
In this post, we have listed 400 recent research papers and projects for those who are interested in Artificial Neural Networks. These free, downloadable research papers can shed lights into some of the complex areas in Artificial Neural Network such as Speech, Emotion and Image Recognition, Identification, forecasts and predictions, Neural Network Language models, cancer and brain studies, regression, sentiment analysis, simulations, sensors, robotics, acoustic models, deep neural network, etc.
Feel free to download. Share your own research papers with us to be added into this list.
Speech, Emotion and Image Recognition
- Hand Written Digit Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)
- Long Short-Term Memory Projection Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Pianos Continuous Note Recognition
- Speech Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network- A Review
- A Novel Approach to Recognition of English Characters Using Artificial Neural Network
- Coin Recognition System using Artificial Neural Network on Static Image Dataset
- Hand Gesture Recognition on Indian Sign Language using Neural Network
- Evaluation of Feature Extraction Techniques using Neural Network as a Classifier: A Comparative Review for face Recognition
- Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation of Neural Network Exemplars in Speech Recognition
- A Survey on Road Traffic Sign Recognition System using Convolution Neural Network
- GRN: Gated Relation Network to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Named Entity Recognition
- Recurrent neural network language model training with noise contrastive estimation for speech recognition
- Recurrent Neural Network Language Model Adaptation for Multi-Genre Broadcast Speech Recognition
- Investigating bidirectional recurrent neural network language models for speech recognition
- Emotion Recognition Using Neural Network Approaches: A Review
- Discourse Relation Recognition by Comparing Various Units of Sentence Expression with Recursive Neural Network
- Shape Driven Kernel Adaptation in Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Facial Trait Recognition
- Time delay deep neural network-based universal background models for speaker recognition
- Shallow Convolutional Neural Network for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
- Automatic Age and Gender Recognition in Human Face Image Dataset using Convolutional Neural Network System
- Gesture Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network
- Fast Efficient Artificial Neural Network for Handwritten Digit Recognition
- Fingerprint Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network
- Deep Neural Network for Human Face Recognition
- Real Time Recognition of Handwritten Devnagari Signatures without Segmentation Using Artificial Neural Network
- A Study of the Recurrent Neural Network Encoder-Decoder for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Learning Vector Quantization Artificial Neural Network
- Tea Leaf Diseases Recognition using Neural Network Ensemble
- Character Recognition Using Neural Network
- Recurrent neural network based speech recognition using MATLAB
- Recognition of Future Air Quality Index Using Artificial Neural Network
- Integration of Speech Enhancement and Recognition using Long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network
- Minimum Word Error Training of Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Language Models for Speech Recognition
- Human Activity Recognition using Deep Neural Network with Contextual Information.
- Silent speech recognition from articulatory movements using deep neural network
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network
- Recognition Of Silverleaf Whitefly And Western Flower Thrips Via Image Processing And Artificial Neural Network
- Improved Automatic Speech Recognition using Subband Temporal Envelope Features and Time-delay Neural Network Denoising Autoencoder
- Bag-of-Words Input for Long History Representation in Neural Network-Based Language Models for Speech Recognition
- Plant Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Network
- End-to-End Convolutional Neural Network -based Voice Presentation Attack Detection
- of a Computer-Aided Application for Analyzing ECG Signals and Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmia Using Back Propagation Neural Network-Part I: Model
- Hand-Drawn Annotation and Underline Detection and Removal in Scanned Documents Using Artificial Neural Network Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
- Fault Detection System in Gas Metering Station Using Neural Network
- Detection Of Normal Ecg And Arrhythmia Using Artificial Neural Network System
- Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images by Incorporating Objectness and Convolutional Neural Network
- Artificial Neural Network Optimization of a Carbon Paste Electrode for the Detection of Zinc Ions
- A Deep Neural Network for Automated Detection and Mapping of lunar Rockfalls
- Neural Network for Kidney Stone Detection
- Efficient Spam Detection using Single Hidden Layer Feed Forward Neural Network
- Parallel Improved Pulse Coupled Neural Network Application for Edge Detection in Image Processing
- Pedestrian detection in video surveillance using fully convolutional YOLOneural network
- Evaluation of Industrial Based Object Detection Method Using Artificial Neural Network
- Identification of Conifer Species Based on Laboratory Spectroscopy and an Artificial Neural Network
- Remarks on Direct System Identification Using Hyper complex Valued Neural Network with Application to Time Series Estimation
- Artificial Neural Network Aided Retina Based Biometric Identification System
- Artificial Neural Network Based Approach for Identification of Operating System Processes
- Efficient Harmful Email Identification Using Neural Network
- System Identification for Quad-rotor Parameters Using Neural Network
- Artificial Neural Network Based Intelligent Fault Identification Of Rotating Machinery
- Identification of Drug-Disease Associations Using Information of Molecular Structures and Clinical Symptoms via Deep Convolutional Neural Network
- A Multi-modal Deep neural Network approach to Bird-song identification
- Disease Identification In Pachaikodi Variety Of Betel Vine Plants Using Histogram And Neural Network Based Digital Imaging
- Identification of potentially undelivered packages with an artificial neural network method
Forecasts and predictions
- Short term load forecasting using neural networks
- An Improved Method of Power System Short Term Load Forecasting Based on Neural Network
- An Investigation of Differencing Effect in Multiplicative Neuron Model Artificial Neural Network for Istanbul Stock Exchange Time Series Forecasting
- Medium to Long-Term Peak Load Forecasting for Riyadh City Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Peak Load Forecasting Using Optimal Linear Combinations of Artificial Neural Networks
- Electricity load forecasting using artificial neural networks
- Forecasting Beijing Transportation Hub Areas’s Pedestrian Flow Using Modular Neural Network
- Predicting the Water Level Fluctuation in an Alpine Lake Using Physically Based, Artificial Neural Network, and Time Series Forecasting Models
- Solar Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting Using Back Propagationneural Network
- Short term load forecasting with multilayer perceptron and recurrent neural networks
- Forecasting of Shares Price by Using Error Backward Propagation Algorithm of Artificial Neural Network
- Data Analysis to Generate Models Based on Neural Network and Regression for Solar Power Generation Forecasting
- Forecasting Rail Transport Petroleum Consumption Using an Integrated Model of Autocorrelation Functions-Artificial Neural Network
- A comparison of Artificial Neural Networks algorithms for short term load forecasting in Greek intercontinental power system
- Probabilistic Load Forecasting using an Improved Wavelet Neural Network Trained by Generalized Extreme Learning Machine
- Implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Short Term Load Forecasting
- Short term load forecasting using artificial neural networks for the west of Iran
- A GreyNeural Network Model Optimized by Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm for Short-term Traffic Forecasting.
- Modeling and Forecasting Stock Prices Using an Artificial Neural Network and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
- Forecasting Currency Exchange Rates via Feedforward Back propagation Neural Network
- Load Forecasting Using New Error Measures In Neural Networks
- A Hybrid Forecasting Method Based On Exponential Smoothing and Multiplicative Neuron Model Artificial Neural Network
- Daily Discharge Forecasting using artificial neural network and Support Vector Machine model
- Downscaling medium-range ensemble forecasts using a neural network approach
- Neural network river forecasting with multi-objective fully informed particle swarm optimization
- Artificial Neural Network Based Load Forecasting Using Levenberg-Marquardt Method
- Traffic Accidents Forecasting using Singular Value Decomposition and an Autoregressive Neural Network Based on PSO
- Of Short Term Load Forecasting Using Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network With Back Propagation Learning And Radial Basis Functional Neural Network
- Investigating the Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network for Forecasting Share Price of Various Industries in Tehran’s Stock Exchange
- Analysis Of Electrical Load Forecasting By Using Matlab Tool Box Through Artificial Neural Network
- A Fine Load Forecasting Using Neural Networks and Fuzzy Neural Networks
- Application of neural networks in short-term load forecasting
- Application and comparison of several artificial neural networks for forecasting the Hellenic daily electricity demand load
- Neural networks applied to spatial load forecasting in GIS.
- Short Term Load Forecasting Using Predictive Modular Neural Networks
- Neural network modeling and geochemical water analyses to understand and forecast karst and non-karst part of flash floods (case study on the Lez river,
- Artificial Neural Network Based Trend Analysis and Forecasting Model for Course Selection
- Application of Artificial Neural Network and Climate Indices to Drought Forecasting in South-Central Vietnam
- Stock Price Forecast Using Recurrent Neural Network
- Neural Network Based Generalized Predictive Control for RFT-30 Cyclotron System
- Artificial neural network modeling for surface roughness prediction in cylindrical grinding of Al-SiCp metal matrix composites and ANOVA analysis
- Permeability Prediction of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs Using Improved BP Neural Network
- Principal Component Regression with Artificial Neural Network to Improve Prediction of Electricity Demand
- Comparison Between an Artificial Neural Network and Logistic Regression in Predicting Long Term Kidney Transplantation Outcome
- Comparison of Articial Neural Network Algorithm for Water Quality Prediction of River Ganga
- Corrigendum to Optimization of R245fa Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Prediction inside Horizontal Smooth Tubes Based on the GRNN Neural Network
- Prediction of California Bearing Ratio of Soils Using Artificial Neural Network
- Comparison of artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple regression analysis for predicting the amount of solid waste generation in a tourist and tropical area
- User modeling with neural network for review rating prediction
- An Accurate Heave Signal Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network
- Flame Shape Prediction with Artificial Neural Network
- A Neural Network based Approach to Predict Machine Status for Big Data using R
- Neural Network Based Prediction of 3D Protein Structure as a Function of Enzyme Family Type and Amino Acid Sequences
- What Happens Next Event Prediction Using a Compositional Neural Network Model
- Predicting the Trend of Land Use Changes Using Artificial Neural Network and Markov Chain Model (Case Study: Kermanshah City)
- Finding diversity for building one-day ahead Hydrological Ensemble Prediction System based on artificial neural network stacks
- Neural network based prediction models for evaporation
- How to estimate and predict the expenses incurred by diabetes treatment using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
- Prediction of Viscosities of Aqueous Two Phase Systems Containing Protein by Artificial Neural Network
- Evolutionary Neural Network Modeling for Energy Prediction of Cloud Data Centers
- Predicting the Poisson Ratio of Lightweight Concretes using Artificial Neural Network
- Time Series Artificial Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Optical Lens Properties
- Hybrid teaching learning artificial neural network for city-level electrical load prediction
- Air quality prediction using artificial neural network
- Travel Time Prediction under Egypt Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions using Neural Network and Data Fusion
- Bond Strength Prediction Model Of Corroded Reinforcement In Concrete Using Neural Network
- Artificial Neural Network Approach to Predict the Abrasive Wear of AA2024-B4C Composites
- Development of Artificial Neural Network based Speed and Torque Prediction Models of a DC Shunt Motor
- Maintainability Prediction from Project Metrics Data Analysis Using Artificial Neural Network: An Interdisciplinary Study
- Hybridization of Improved K-Means and Artificial Neural Network for Heart Disease Prediction
- Speed Prediction of DC Shunt Motor by using Artificial Neural Network.
- Modelling of Algae Biodiesel Blended CI Engine for the Prediction of Performance and Emission Parameters using Artificial Neural Network
- UPDRS tracking using linear regression and neural network for Parkinson’s disease prediction
- Performance of Artificial Neural Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
- Use of Artificial Neural Network in Predicting Permeability of Dispersive Clay Treated With Lime and Pozzolan
- Aneural network -based algorithm for predicting stone-free status after ESWL therapy
- Prediction of Number of Passengers in Public Transportation by Using ArtificialNeural Network Method
- Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression Models for the Prediction of Body Mass Index
- A Computational Hybrid Model With Two Level Classification Using Svm And neural Network For Predicting The Diabetes
- Performance Evaluation of Generalized Regression Neural Network Path loss Prediction Model in Macrocellular Environment
- Sequence Prediction Using Neural Network Classiers
- Prediction of Road Traffic Accidents in Jordan using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
- Artificial Neural Network Modeling Studies to Predict the Amount of Carried Weight by Iran Khodro Transportation System
- Development and Analysis of Artificial Neural Network Models for Rainfall Prediction by Using Time-Series Data
- Integrated Model of DNA Sequence Numerical Representation and Artificial Neural Network for Human Donor and Acceptor Sites Prediction
- Artificial Neural Network Travel Time Prediction Model for Buses Using Only GPS Data
- Artificial Neural Network Modeling for the Prediction of Surface Roughness in ECM
- Prediction and optimization of micro EDM process parameter using multiple regression and artificial neural network
- Application of Artificial Neural Network to Analyze and Predict the Tensile Strength of Shielded Metal Arc Welded Joints under the Influence of External
- Predicting Energy Requirement for Cooling the Building Using Artificial Neural Network
- Three Structures of a Multilayer Artificial Neural Network for Predicting the Solar Radiation of Baghdad City-Iraq
- Comparing The Artificial Neural Network With Parcial Least Squares For Prediction Of Soil Organic Carbon And Ph At
- An Artificial Neural Network Based Short-term Dynamic Prediction of Algae Bloom
- Prediction Of Punching Shear Capacity Of Rc Flat Slabs Using Artificial neural Network
- Study of Artificial Neural Network Accuracy Compared to Statistical Model of Logistic Regression for Prediction of Iranian Firms Bankruptcy
- River Flood Prediction Using a Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network
- Improved the Prediction of Clinical Data Accuracy using RBF Neural Network Model
- Platoon Merging Distance Prediction using aNeural NetworkVehicle Speed Model?
- A Deep Spatio-Temporal Fuzzy Neural Network for Passenger Demand Prediction
- Groundwater Level Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network Model
- Prediction of Sediment Accumulation Model for Trunk Sewer Using Multiple Linear Regression and Neural Network Techniques
- Prediction of Forces during Drilling of Composite Laminates Using Artificial Neural Network: A New Approach
- Predicting strength of SCC using artificial neural network and multivariable regression analysis
- Prediction of standard penetration test (SPT) value in Izmir, Tur-key using radial basis neural network
Neural Network Language Models
- Random walks and neural network language models on knowledge bases
- The Fixed-Size Ordinally-Forgetting Encoding Method for Neural Network Language Models
- Neural Network Language Modeling With Letter-Based Features And Importance Sampling
- Paraphrastic recurrent neural network language models
- Improving the training and evaluation efficiency of recurrent neural network language models
- Convolutional Neural Network for Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing
- Review on Language Translator Using Quantum Neural Network (QNN)
- Memory Architectures in Recurrent Neural Network Language Models
- Contextual Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Language Models: A Generative Approach to Sentiment Analysis
- CUED-RNNLM – An Open-Source Toolkit For Efficient Training And Evaluation Of Recurrent neural Network Language Models
- Bi-directional recurrent neural network with ranking loss for spoken language understanding
- On Efficient Training of Word Classes and Their Application to Recurrent Neural Network Language Models
Cancer study
- Detecting Early Stage Lung Cancer using a Neural Network Trained with Patches from Synthetically Generated X-Rays
- Neural Network with Bee Colony Optimization for MRI Brain Cancer Image Classification.
- Lung Cancer Detection Using Artificial Neural Network Fuzzy Clustering
- Lung Cancer Risk Prediction Method Based on Feature Selection and Artificial Neural Network
- Neural Network for Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer based on Proteomic Patterns in Serum
- Use of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Risk Factors of Nosocomial Infection in Lung Cancer Patients
- Use of an Artificial Neural Network to Construct a Model of Predicting Deep Fungal Infection in Lung Cancer Patients.
- Brain Cancer classification Based on Features and Artificial Neural Network
- Deep convolutional neural network models for the diagnosis of thyroid cancer
- Deep convolutional neural network models for the diagnosis of thyroid cancer Authors reply
Brain study
- Selection of Optimum Features for Neural Network Using Genetic Algorithm in Classification of Brain Computer Interface Data
- Distinct contributions of functional and deep neural network features to representational similarity of scenes in human brain and behavior
- Convolutional Neural Network Visualization for fMRI Brain Disease Classification Tasks
- Providing a better life for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patient or Spinal Cord Injured Patient by Artificial Neural Network or BrainGate
- Measuring Cortical Connectivity in Alzheimer’s Disease as a Brain Neural Network Pathology: Toward Clinical Applications
- Artificial Neural Network based Lesion Segmentation of Brain MRI
Regression and neural network
- Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Binary Logistic Regression for Classification of Chiropteran Dietary Specializations
- Evaluation of Two Statistical Tools (Least Squares Regression and Artificial Neural Network) in the Multivariate Optimization of Solid-Phase Extraction for
- Neural Network based Linear Regression Model for Modeling Productivity Construction in Saudi Arabia
- Credit Scoring Models for a Tunisian Microfinance Institution: Comparison between Artificial Neural Network and Logistic Regression
- Delay Modeling of Un-signalized Roundabouts Using Neural Network and Regression
- General Regression neural Networkmodeling Of Soil Characteristics From Field Tests
- Comparison of Multiple Lenear Regression Artificial Neural Network for Reservoir Operation–Case Study Of Gosikhurd Reservoir
- Impact Of Droughts On Barley Yield In North Dakota, USA Using Multiple Linear Regression And Artificial Neural Network
- QSAR studies of breast carcinoma using Artificial neural network , Bayesian classifier and Multiple linear regression
Neural Network Algorithm
- A Novel Hybrid Chemical Reaction Optimization Algorithm with Adaptive Differential Evolution Mutation Strategies for Higher Order Neural Network Training.
- Large Scale Recurrent Neural Network Based Modelling of Gene Regulatory Network Using Cuckoo Search-Flower Pollination Algorithm
- Speciation and Diversity Balance for Genetic Algorithms and Application to Structural Neural Network Learning
- Residential Community Open-Up Strategy Based on Prims Algorithm and Neural Network Algorithm
- Automatic Defect Detection Algorithm for Woven Fabric using Artificial Neural Network Techniques
- Optimum Design of Liquified Natural Gas Bi-lobe Tanks using Finite Element, Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network
- Synthesis And Reduced Logic Gate Realization Of Multi-Valued Logic Functions Using Neural Network Deployment Algorithm
- Neural Network and Artificial Immune Algorithms for the Classification of Medical Data Series
- Golden chip free Tro detection leveraging probabilistic neural network with genetic algorithm applied in the training phase
- A Comparison Study of the Performance of the Fourier Transform Based Algorithm and the Artificial Neural Network Based Algorithm in Detecting Fabric Texture
- A Dynamic Channel Allocation Algorithm Based on Back-Propagation Neural Network for Vertical Handover in HetNets
- A Combination Method of Differential Evolution Algorithm and Neural Network for Automatic Identification Oil Spill at Vietnam East Sea
- Algorithm for Modeling Wire Cut Electrical Discharge Machine Parameters using Artificial Neural Network.
- Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Based Finite Element Model for Optimal Die Shape Design in Al-1100 Cold Forward Extrusion
- Neural network modeling and optimization of process parameters for production of chhana cake using genetic algorithm.
- Cryptography Algorithms using Artificial Neural Network
- Artificial Neural Network With Hybrid Taguchi-Genetic Algorithm For Nonlinear Mimo Model Of Machining Processes
- A Study of the Weaving conditions for Conductive Fabric by using Taguchi Approach and Neural Network Algorithm
- Artificial Neural Network Modeling and Optimization using Genetic Algorithm of Machining Process
- An Algorithm of Setting the Weights of a Neural Network Controller
- Water Quality Evaluation Using Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network based on Self-Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Chaos Theory
- The OLCINeural Network Swarm (ONNS): A Bio-geo-optical Algorithm for Open Ocean and Coastal Waters
- Version 2 of the IASI NH 3neural network retrieval algorithm; near-real time and reanalysed datasets
- Survey on Artificial Neural Network Learning Technique Algorithms
- An Artificial Neural Network algorithm to solve third-order Emden-Fowler type problems
- Water Evaporation Algorithm With Probabilistic Neural Network For Solving Classification Problems
- Concurrent Algorithm for Learning of Neural Networks in Searching of the Best Learned Neural Network.
- On using deep Convolutional Neural Network architectures for automated object detection and classification within X-ray baggage security imagery.
- Privacy-Preserving Classification on DeepNeural Network .
- Fingerprint Based Gender Classification Using Discrete Wavelet Transform Artificial Neural Network
- Different Pattern Classifier Techniques Based on Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network
- A Review of Relation Classification with Convolutional Neural Network
- Semantic Video Segmentation with Using Ensemble of Particular Classifiers and a Deep Neural Network for Systems of Detecting Abnormal Situations
- Classification Of Satellite Images Using Context Features And Based Onneural Network Methods
- Automatic Classification of Wikipedia Articles by Using Convolutional Neural Network
- Hgo-cnn: Hybrid generic-organ convolutional neural network for multi-organ plant classification
- Familial or Sporadic Idiopathic Scoliosis–classification based on artificial neural network and GAPDH and ACTB transition profile
- A Framework for Event Classification from Video Sequences using Bayesian Neural Network
- Transmission Line Fault Detection and Classification Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Network
- Artificial Neural Network Approach for Classification of Heart Disease Dataset
- Classification and Detection of Oil Spills Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
- Classification of Software Projects using k-Means, Discriminant Analysis and Artificial Neural Network
- Implementation of Fast Artificial Neural Network for Pattern Classification on Heterogeneous System
- Artificial Neural Network Based Pathological Voice Classification Using MFCC Features
- Network Intrusion Detection System Using Neural Network Classification of Attack Behavior
- A Novel Vehicle Classification Model for Urban Traffic Surveillance Using the Deep Neural Network Model
- Rule Based Ensembles Using Pair Wise Neural Network Classifiers
- Facial Expression Classification Using Artificial Neural Network and K-Nearest Neighbor
- Artificial Neural Network based Classification of Lungs Nodule using Hybrid Features from Computerized Tomographic Images
- Artificial neural network based classification technique for minutiae verification
- SECLAF: A Webserver and Deep Neural Network Design Tool for Hierarchical Biological Sequence Classification.
- Fault Detection and Fault Classification of Double Circuit Transmission Line Using ArtificialNeural Network
- Neural Network Based Individual Classification System
- Decomposition of color wavelet with higher order statistical texture and convolutional neural network features set based classification of colorectal polyps from
- Pattern Classification of Fabric Defects Using a Probabilistic Neural Network and Its Hardware Implementation using the Field Programmable Gate Array
- Exploiting the PANORAMA Representation for ConvolutionalNeural NetworkClassification and Retrieval
- A Multiclass Deep Convolutional Neural Network Classifier for Detection of Common Rice Plant Anomalies
- Lidar-based individual tree species classification using convolutional neural network
- Classification of Satellite Images Using Perceptron Neural Network